
C# 8 Switch Expressions with Pattern Matching

Written 12/2019, Updated 7/2020

Most .NET engineers are familiar with the original switch statement in C#. Like similar constructs in other object oriented languages, given an arbitrary expression, you can match its result to a case, and execute selected statements.

switch (car.Color) {
    case Color.Red:
        Console.WriteLine("Color is red!");
    case Color.Blue:
        Console.WriteLine("Color is blue!");
        Console.WriteLine("Color is not red or blue!");

In the past, I’ve found that switch statements were useful for cleaning up long if else chains, but I rarely found myself using them in code. To me, the switch-case-break syntax feels bloated with keywords, and, before C# 7, cases only supported the constant pattern. This meant that each case value had to be a compile-time constant.

Fast forward to C# 8, and the lowly switch statement has been upgraded with new features that make it much more appealing! Take a look at how we can simplify the above example:

Console.WriteLine(car.Color switch
    Color.Red => "Color is red!",
    Color.Blue => "Color is blue!",
    _ => "Color is not red or blue!"

In this article, we’ll cover five new matching patterns and three other switch improvements that can make complex control flow short and readable.


C# 7 Features

Any features in this section will be compatible with .NET Core >=2.0, .NET Standard >=1.0, and all versions of .NET Framework. See the C# language versioning article for more information.

Declaration Pattern

The declaration pattern was introduced in C# 7. It enables case matching based on the type of value passed in. The syntax is as follows:

var person = new { Name = "Drake" };
switch (person.Name)
    // type followed by designation
    // variable, name, will always be non-null if matched
    // only matches values assignable from the given type
    case string name:
        Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}!");

    // only matches null values
    case null:
        Console.WriteLine($"Hello, user!");

At first glance, its uses appear narrow, but when combined with polymorphism, the pattern is much more powerful. Consider this simple inheritance structure that models shapes:

class Square : Shape
    public double Height { get; set; }
    public double Width { get; set; }

class Circle : Shape
    public double Radius { get; set; }

We can define an extension method for Shape that calculates area depending on the type of shape passed in.

static double GetArea(this Shape shape)
    switch (shape)
        // match Rectangle type
        case Rectangle rectangle:
            // rectangle variable is:
            //   - non-null and of type Rectangle
            //   - in scope within the case
            return rectangle.Height * rectangle.Width;
        case Circle circle:
            return Math.PI * circle.Radius * circle.Radius;
        case null:
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape));
            throw new NotImplementedException();

Var Pattern

Expressions always match the var pattern. In this way, it’s a suitable replacement for the default case when you have the additional requirement to capture the result of the expression being ‘switched’ on. The var pattern matches null values. Consider the following example:

static bool TestShapeRequirement(this Shape shape)
    switch (shape.GetArea())
        // the constant pattern
        case 0:
            Console.WriteLine("A shape with non-zero area is required!");
            return false;

        // catch null case first
        case null:
            Console.WriteLine("A non-null area is required!");
            return false;

        // var followed by designation
        case var area:
            Console.WriteLine($"Shape with area {area} accepted!");
            return true;

Case Guards

Case guards give additional control over the execution of case blocks with the when clause.

static double GetAreaOptimized(this Shape shape)
    switch (shape)
        // 'when' followed by boolean expression
        case Rectangle rectangle when rectangle.Height is 0 || rectangle.Width is 0:
        case Circle circle when circle.Radius is 0:
            return 0;
        // ...

Any boolean valued expression can follow the when keyword. This gives the developer the ability to conditionally execute each case based on an expression evaluated at runtime rather than a compile time constant or other pattern.

By the way, if you haven’t seen the is keyword before, you’ll love it! It takes all the pattern matching goodness seen in this article and allows us to use it in any context as a boolean valued expression. See C# 7 Pattern Matching - Is Expression for more information.

C# 8 Features

The following features are only available in C# 8 and above. Without changing compiler settings, you’ll only be able to use these in .NET Core >=3.0 and .NET Standard >=2.1.

Switch Expressions

Introduced in C# 8, the switch expression addresses my primary gripe with the switch statement, the syntax. switch expressions remove the need for the case, break, and default keywords, but they also go one step further by turning the switch statement into an expression!

This allows us to convert the GetArea method into this much more readable version:

static double GetAreaExpression(this Shape shape)
    return shape switch
        Rectangle rectangle => rectangle.Height * rectangle.Width,
        Circle circle => Math.PI * circle.Radius * circle.Radius,
        null => throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape)),
        var unknownShape => throw new NotImplementedException(),

First, take note that the expression or variable to be switched on now proceeds the switch keyword, and parentheses are no longer required. Each case takes the form of (pattern) (optional when clause) => (expression) where the expression to the right of the => is returned by the switch expression if the pattern matches. Each case is ended with a comma.

Each switch expression case can also incorporate the when clause:

shape switch {
    Circle circle when circle.Radius is 0 => 0,
    // ...

If you combine the switch expression with C# 6 and 7 expression bodied members, you can really reduce the amount of boilerplate code you have to write:

static double GetAreaExpression(this Shape shape) => shape switch
    Rectangle rectangle => rectangle.Height * rectangle.Width,
    Circle circle => Math.PI * circle.Radius * circle.Radius,
    null => throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(shape)),
    var unknownShape => throw new NotImplementedException()

Discard Pattern

The discard pattern in C# 8 is simple, and fills a similar role as the default keyword.

shape switch
    Rectangle rectangle => rectangle.Height * rectangle.Width,
    Circle circle => Math.PI * circle.Radius * circle.Radius,
    _ => throw new ArgumentException()

Here, the _ token matches anything. Unlike the declaration or var pattern, you cannot access the matched value via the _ token. Use this pattern to replace a default case.

You can use the discard pattern in conjunction with the declaration pattern when you are only concerned with type matching, but not the captured value.

shape switch
    Rectangle _ => "It's a rectangle!",
    Circle _ => "It's a circle!",
    _ => "I don't know what it is!"

This pattern is also useful in combination with other patterns seen later in this article.

Positional Pattern

The positional pattern has a tuple-like syntax. It allows pattern matching on a any type with a Deconstruct method, but it’s most easily used with tuples.

The following example shows the ease with which you can write a complex state machine using the positional pattern.

var nextState = (GetShipmentState(), action, GetDaysSinceDelivery()) switch
    (State.Ordered, Action.CancelOrder, _) => State.Canceled,
    (State.Canceled, Action.CancelOrderCancellation, _) => State.Ordered,
    (State.Delivered, Action.Return, int elapsedDays) when elapsedDays <= 30 => State.Returned,
    (null, Action.Order, _) => State.Ordered,
    (var state, _, _) => state

Note here that the input to the switch expression is an inline tuple, and each case deconstructs the tuple while performing additional pattern matching on each element.

Property Pattern

Property patterns are very similar to positional patterns. They differ by pattern matching on named properties and fields of values rather than positional matching on tuple elements.

static double GetAreaExpression(this Shape shape) => shape switch
    Rectangle { Width: 0 } => 0,
    Rectangle { Height: 0 } => 0,
    Circle { Radius: 0 } circle => circle.Radius,
    Rectangle rectangle => rectangle.Height * rectangle.Width,
    Circle circle => Math.PI * circle.Radius * circle.Radius,
    _ => throw new ArgumentException()

In this pattern, a type name is followed by { ... } where additional pattern matching can be performed on properties of the matched type inside the { }. The result of a matched type can also be captured by a variable designation following the { }. Matching this pattern ensures the value is not null.

If you want to use the positional pattern directly on the switch input type, you can omit the type before the { }.

var person = new { Name = "Drake", Age = 22 };
var hasAccess = person switch
    { Name: "Drake" } drake when drake.Age > 18 => true,
    { Name: "Devin" } => true,
    _ => false

Recursive Pattern Matching

All of the patterns we have seen so far can be combined in a recursive way! Given an arbitrarily complex object, we can combine property patterns, positional patterns, and the rest to select very specific criteria on values in a switch expression.

var message = complexType switch
    { ShipmentStatus: Shipment.State.Ordered } => "Congrats on your order!",
    { Address: { State: "LA" } } => "I live there too!",
    { Address: { Zip: null } } => "You forgot to enter a zip code!",
    { ShipmentStatus: Shipment.State.Delivered, Name: (var firstName, _) } => $"Enjoy your package {firstName}!",
    null => throw new ArgumentNullException(),
    _ => "I'm not sure what I'm looking at here."


Pattern matching with switch expressions gives C# developers a concise yet powerful way to express complex control flow. I find this is very helpful when writing functional C#, and for easily codifying complex business rules.

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions. I would also greatly appreciate your feedback on this article as I seek to improve it!

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